What's new with BKIB? Ben is leaving for Chile in October. He has a great team put together of about six people and he is really looking forward to it. Work is good. I think he is really getting into the swing of things because we see him a little earlier in the evening then when he first started. We went to the Guatemala Reunion in Tyler, TX and he had a great time catching up with aunts and uncles. We were trying to explain to Isabella that she was going to be meeting a lot of aunts and uncles, but she couldn't understand why we were going to visit "ants"! We brought our camera but the only picture that I took was this one of Brooks having a staring contest with his cup!

Kristen has been very busy. I can't imagine what it will be like when Isabella and Brooks are old enough to be in extra curricular activities. I already feel like all I do is run from school to dance to the church. ESL started last week and it is a lot of fun. They have asked me to run the new class and though I was a little surprised, I gladly excepted! The ladies are so sweet, and they really want to learn English. I am trying to finish the last few things for Isabella's "Imagination Movers" birthday party tomorrow. I can't believe she will be three on Sunday! These pictures are of the family at the Tyler zoo.

Isabella will be THREE on Sunday. Time has really flown by! She is quickly losing her baby features and becoming a beautiful little girl. We went in for her 3 year old check up last Friday and she is exactly 3 feet tall. That puts her in the 25% for height, she is 50% for weight and thankfully that have stopped measuring her head! She still loves school, dance and choir and has learned all of the songs fast.

Brooks went to the doctor for his 15 month check up and was about 2 1/2 feet tall which is 75% for height, he is 75% in weight and his head went from 75% to 99%! He has that CAROTHERS head! It's funny, before Brooks came along, we thought Isabella was our strong willed child! BOY were we WRONG! Brooks does not pay us one bit of attention when we are telling him NO. He gets something in his head and he is going to do it no matter what you say! We are going to have to find out what really gets his attention as far as punishment goes. We are trying to be patient!

That's all for now!

Funny Story: The kids and I went to lunch with some friends a couple of weeks ago and Brooks had a major BLOWOUT! I didn't have any of his stuff with me so I had to borrow. None of the moms that had boys there had an extra set of clothes, so we borrowed one of Meredith's outfits. We started calling Brook, Mooks for the rest of the afternoon. I needed to run into Target for a second and on the way our a lady driving by stuck her head out to comment on Isabella's outfit. When I turned around to thank her, she saw Brooks in my arms. She said "Woo that's a BIG girl!" Poor Mooks! :)
Loved the update and pics! Thanks for the blog! I LOVE IT! My calendar now says 48 days until vacation!!! Can't wait! Love you guys!
ReplyDeleteWish we could have been there with you guys! I'm glad it was fun.
ReplyDeleteLove Mooks' outfit on that last picture. Too funny. And the picture of him having a stare down with his sippy cup. The pics at the zoo look fun too.